We use hypnosis to foster lasting, positive life changes by communicating directly with the subconscious mind. This process is like reprogramming your mental operating system, similar to upgrading a new computer for faster speeds and enhanced performance. As we change subconscious patterns and create new neural pathways, you'll discover possibilities you may never have consciously imagined. Through hypnotic image journeys, the opportunities for personal and professional growth are limitless. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the strength and creativity of your subconscious images, which can powerfully redirect the course of your life and deliver tangible results.
Let’s upgrade your subconscious beliefs!
All change happens at the subconscious level.
In hypnosis we talk to the subconscious mind – making the changes that you want to see in your life. We reprogram and upgrade the computer system of your mind.
We all know what it’s like to get a new computer – new programs, new speeds, greater understanding and most importantly, results!
Let’s upgrade your subconscious beliefs!
what is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a gentle yet powerful form of behavior modification therapy that works directly with your subconscious mind. As a hypnotherapist I use hypnosis to access the subconscious mind, make positive hypnotic suggestion for the changes you want to see in your your life. I am the guide freeing you from old patterns and beliefs, opening healing forces to naturally make new and better choices moving forward. Hypnosis can be used for almost every issue that requires change!
what is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state that we all go in and out of every day. An example: that floaty, drifty, dreamy time just before sleep. You never know exactly what time you fell asleep because you were drifting and not caring. In this state, the mind is suggestible to new thoughts and feelings, not usually accepted by the critical mind.
In a state of hypnosis, brain waves slow down, the thinking mind drops into the background, the imagination opens. Reframing, positive suggestion, metaphor and personal imagery are all hypnotic tools used to expand the experience. A deeper self-awareness, new perspective, comfort with uncertainty and stronger intuition manifest outwardly in everyday life, in the form of a heal-thy mind, body, spirit, relationships, passion, career, joy and more.
what is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a gentle yet powerful form of behavior modification therapy that works directly with your subconscious mind. As a hypnotherapist I use hypnosis to access the subconscious mind, make positive hypnotic suggestion for the changes you want to see in your your life. I am the guide freeing you from old patterns and beliefs, opening healing forces to naturally make new and better choices moving forward. Hypnosis can be used for almost every issue that requires change!
what is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state that we all go in and out of every day. An example: that floaty, drifty, dreamy time just before sleep. You never know exactly what time you fell asleep because you were drifting and not caring. In this state, the mind is suggestible to new thoughts and feelings, not usually accepted by the critical mind.
In a state of hypnosis, brain waves slow down, the thinking mind drops into the background, the imagination opens. Reframing, positive suggestion, metaphor and personal imagery are all hypnotic tools used to expand the experience. A deeper self-awareness, new perspective, comfort with uncertainty and stronger intuition manifest outwardly in everyday life, in the form of a heal-thy mind, body, spirit, relationships, passion, career, joy and more.
What is a subconscious block?
A subconscious block is an outdated limiting belief that inhibits healing, growth, and expansion. They block us from achieving goals and getting what we think we deserve. Beliefs are imprinted mostly under eight years old and often reinforced throughout life as truth.
Beliefs run automatically, beneath awareness and control the outcome of our lives. My clients are curious about this tape/story that is running and how it may be affecting their lives negatively. Our sessions help uncover that story so we can reprogram a truer tape/story to run automatically having positive effects, attaining goals, and living with peace and purpose.
A belief is a thought that stimulates the power of your subconscious mind to seek that which you believe. The subconscious is a goal seeking machine. Its job is to do what you ask it to do. Example: if you feel sad, the subconscious takes your thoughts as a command and energetically seeks more sadness. We all know what ruminating thoughts feel like and how they have great potential to linger and create havoc. If you do not want to be sad, you must change and live in the energy of confidence and happiness. This concept works positively for you by redirecting to good feeling thoughts.
BTW – a limiting belief is just a negative thought - thought over and over until it becomes a limiting belief. Beliefs are changeable.
A belief is a thought that stimulates the power of your subconscious mind to seek that which you believe. The subconscious is a goal seeking machine. Its job is to do what you ask it to do. Example: if you feel sad, the subconscious takes your thoughts as a command and energetically seeks more sadness. We all know what ruminating thoughts feel like and how they have great potential to linger and create havoc. If you do not want to be sad, you must change and live in the energy of confidence and happiness. This concept works positively for you by redirecting to good feeling thoughts.
BTW – a limiting belief is just a negative thought - thought over and over until it becomes a limiting belief. Beliefs are changeable.
So, how does hypnosis and guided imagery journeys work to shift my subconscious mind to better thoughts that serve me? Here’s where the magic happens. Hypnosis allows you to experience yourself in new situations feeling competent, calm, comfortable and natural.
Hypnosis works because your subconscious cannot differentiate between what’s real and what’s imagined. A heartfelt imagined experience in hypnosis is as good as real to the subconscious mind.
Let’s utilize the power of your own mind to work positively for you!
frequently asked questions
Yes, hypnosis is completely safe! It’s gentle and natural to be in a hypnotic trance—you go in and out of trance state by yourself many times a day, like when you first wake up or when you’re about to go to sleep. As your hypnotherapist, I work with you online via Zoom from my NYC or Jackson, WY office to decide what suggestions I need to introduce to help you succeed with your goals. And no one can leave a suggestion that the person in hypnosis is not in agreement with. You’re a part of the hypnosis and therapy—it’s not being “done to you.” Hypnosis is a dance between the therapist and the client—we’re helping your mind and heart become free and light together. Nothing could be safer, or freer.
Hypnosis is so effective because it’s a mind-body-spiritual healing—it addresses you as a whole person. In session, I work to help you make lasting changes and create new pathways for yourself—it’s active, dynamic, and fun! Many types of therapy are valuable, and you must find the right therapy (and therapist!) for you. Personally, I have used hypnosis to make huge changes in my own life, and after I saw its immediate effectiveness, I had to change my entire career (from photographer to certified hypnotist!) so that I could help others. In my practice from my NYC or Jackson, WY office, I use Guided Therapeutic Imagery—it’s an incredibly powerful tool that speaks directly to your subconscious and helps you completely transform how you think and feel about your life.
Hypnosis can work for anyone. Even the most skeptical, you can experience the incredible relaxation of hypnotic trance. We all have a subconscious mind, and our subconscious minds all respond to imagery—it’s just how our brains are created. That said, I find my greatest success is with people who are:
Seeking to increase their confidence, self-esteem, and motivation
Pursuing creative endeavors, enhanced relationships
Rebuilding their lives or starting anew
Moving through loss or grief
Along the way, my clients successfully rid themselves of:
fears, stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation and depression, and troubled relationships
bad habits (smoking, overeating, etc.)—and,
more importantly, their root causes relationship troubles— -
Absolutely! A person who is not ready to change cannot be helped by hypnosis—remember, I can’t make your subconscious do anything you don’t already want to do. A person who isn’t ready to make change won’t even be calling me. Anyone who is willing to try hypnosis—no matter how nervous or skeptical—can and will reap its amazing benefits. Anyone ready for change—everyone who’s had enough of their old patterns and beliefs, anyone ready to make changes, even if they can’t yet see what those changes will be—will see huge success!
Therapeutic Guided Imagery (TGI) is a technique used by Certified Hypnotists and Certified Imagery Facilitators (myself) to guide clients to connect with their own powerful and unique subconscious symbolic imagery to gain new understanding and perspective on a specific issue, or even a new life direction. Imagery is the language of the subconscious mind and therapeutic guided imagery is the way we communicate in hypnosis. We go deep to communicate with subconscious imagery and to bring resolve to lifetime issues, open the doors of insight, and gain empowerment and direction for future happiness and success.
Imagine the subconscious mind as the storehouse or darkroom of all past experiences. Your thoughts, words, events, and emotions are imprinted and stored in the subconscious for future reference. These thoughts and emotions are stored symbolically as imagery. It is our earliest life experiences (0–8 years of age) that imprint the subconscious with the deepest and strongest emotions as “known associations.” Over time both positive and negative knowns are reinforced by self and others and this information is ready to be recalled instantly and automatically in reaction to daily situations. The subconscious mind is a goal-oriented machine. The main job of the subconscious mind is to perform the tasks you ask, tell, train or program it to do.
Imagine that…the subconscious mind will do whatever you ask it to do. What is your internal dialogue? The subconscious mind does not differentiate between good or bad, right, or wrong, imagined, or real. Just like a computer, it accepts the information given and stores it as information for future use. Imagery is the language of the subconscious mind and therapeutic guided imagery is the way we communicate in hypnosis. We go deep to communicate with subconscious imagery and to bring resolve to lifetime issues, open the doors of insight, and gain empowerment and direction for future happiness and success. In hypnosis and therapeutic guided imagery, the hypnotist speaks and questions the client in a certain way on a specific topic connecting us with a consciousness beyond the mind and body. -
Hypnotic Suggestibility is how one takes in or receives information and important for entering the hypnotic state and for how one responds to positive suggestion while in hypnosis. Suggestibility can be determined and is important for the hypnotherapist to gauge, as understanding clients’ suggestibility exponentially enhances the experience for everyone. Suggestibility is known to have three stages of depth in hypnosis relating physiological changes and brain wave states:
Hypnoidal or light trance
Cataleptic or medium trance
Somnambulistic or deep trance
For many generations it was believed that medium and deeper trance levels created better suggestibility and better results. And it seemed that some people were more hypnotizable (suggestible) than others. With John Kappas’ E+P Theory, we now know that everyone is suggestible to something—meaning almost everyone can be hypnotized and receive positive benefits, even at the lighter trance stages. Suggestibility is how we hear, how we take in information and how we learn. Hearing and responding to a mother’s voice is one of the first steps towards focusing on something in life, most importantly for survival, and then for love and connection. In youth, when the mother speaks directly to her child and acts in accordance with her words, the child learns literally. This is referred to as Physically Suggestible (P). If the mother speaks to the child inferentially (not directly) and if her words and actions do not match, the child learns to infer the messages being given. We refer to this as Emotionally Suggestible (E). Individuals have varying combinations of both the E+P on a scale of 50 to 100 percent of each E+P. This subconscious way of liking what we hear is re-enacted throughout life… hearing and responding as we were conditioned to from birth. We are all more suggestible to ideas and thoughts if they are posed in a familiar and comfortable way. Results in hypnosis prove more powerful and effective if spoken according to the client’s E+P suggestibility. There are two other types of Suggestibility, the High Intellectual and the Somnambulist. The High Intellectual has a continuous need to analyze the processes and will try to logic and reason their way out of hypnosis, but the trained hypnotherapist knows they can drop equally well into trance and begin new associations for learning. On the other hand, the Somnambulist is open, follows direction, and responds to both Physical and Emotional suggestions. These individuals are unique and capable of reaching three depth levels of amnesia. These individuals are recognized by stage hypnotists, as they are great subjects. On another note… we are all most suggestible to ourselves. The hypnotist can acknowledge this and speak or suggest in a certain way to be most effective. In my practice, we discover your Suggestibility in the Introductory Session. This information is a valuable tool in everyday life as well as in hypnosis healing and I urge you to learn about your own suggestibility!
Hypnosis does not involve mind control, magic, unconsciousness, or sleep.
You cannot be made to enter hypnosis against your will.
Hypnosis is a natural experience. It happens every day when we become absorbed in doing something like driving, reading, or watching TV. If you can be drawn into the fantasy of a movie, you can be hypnotized.
Your senses are awake and alert in hypnosis—in fact the senses are heightened, more aware and able to focus intently. Background noises are not a distraction.
You may experience time distortion—the session could seem lengthier or shorter than you know
You are always in control during hypnosis.
You say and do only what you would normally say or do in a fully conscious state.
The subconscious mind makes up about 90% of your total mind capacity and contains a mental movie…or imagery of everything that has happened in your life… events, behaviors, and emotions.
As you enter hypnosis you bypass the conscious mind and can access information in the subconscious mind.
The use of hypnosis allows you to make changes quickly and permanently.
A Hypnotherapist uses Hypnosis to help everyday people cope with everyday problems of living.
Hypnotherapy can help in general self-improvement through stress management.
Hypnotherapists work in complementary ways with physicians and other health providers to help optimize the care patients receive. -
Boosts immune system, builds immune system, builds confidence and self-esteem, gain harmony, expands the mind in a safe environment.
Become the director of your life—leave the old story behind.
Experience more pleasure – less pain.
Move out of sleepy consciousness into a focus deeper knowing.
Feel very connected within- enhance your intuition.
Learn the art of attention, become aware to make a conscious better choice instead of an old habitual reactive and destructive choice.
One experiences a letting go, a freer, richer, more creative version of self.
Personal imagery allows you to see, feel, touch, smell, taste from a different perspective and heal
Visually, mentally spiritually engaging.
Affects the heart rate and blood pressure and is very effective in pain management, healing on a cellular level.
Access the innermost workings of the mind to reach your highest potential. -
* Weight Loss
* Substance Abuse
* Study Habits
* Fears
* Phobias
* Insomnia
* Pain Management
* Sports
* Stuttering
* Fear of Dentist* Anxiety
* Assertiveness
* Public Speaking
* Memory
* Concentration
* Lower Blood Pressure
* Smoking
* Stage Fright
* Reach Goals
* Procrastination* Addictions
* Improve Health
* Bed Wetting
* Sleep Disorders
* Skin Problems
* Medication Side Effects
* Premature Ejaculation
* Inhibition
* Fear of Flying
* Fear of Heights* Irrational Thoughts
* Lack of Enthusiasm
* Lack of Direction
* Ulcers
* Writers Block
* Tics
* Abandonment
* Exercise
* Cravings
* Creativity* Rejection
* Shame
* Indecision
* Resistance to Change
* Self-Hypnosis* Relaxation
* Breathing
* Self-Mastery* Fear of Surgery
* Assist Healing
* Impotency
* Child Birth
* Sexual Problems
* Agoraphobia
* Obsessions
* Passive-Aggressive
* Obsessive- Compulsive
* Relaxation* Change Habits
* Improve Sales
* Attitude Adjustment
* Career Success
* Exam Anxiety
* Relationship
* Hair Twisting
* Nausea
* Surgical Recovery* Fear of Water
* Fear of Animals
* Communication
* Self-Defeating Behavior
* Self-Criticism
* Irritability
* Pessimism Controlling
* Social Phobia
* Panic Attacks
* Temptation* Trauma
* Fear of School
* Chronic Pain
* Problem Solving
* Hypertension
* Resistance
* Responsibility
* Self-Forgiveness
* Thumb Sucking
* Stubborn* Pre-surgical
* Cramps
* Gagging
* Dreams
* Nightmares
* Headaches
* Immune System
* Fear of Death* Self Confidence
* Motivation
* Self Image
* Anger
* Stress
* Frustration
* Worry
* Guilt
* Forgiveness
* Nail Biting* Gambling
* Performance Anxiety
* Perfectionism
* Lack of Initiative
* Self-Expression
* Helplessness
* Hopelessness
* Overly Critical
* Negativism
* Death or Loss* Hypochondria
* Self-Awareness
* Aggression
* Self-Esteem
* Self-Blame
* Hostility
* Moodiness
* Overeating
* Age Regression
* Past Life Regression* Irrational
* Discourage
* Fear of Loss of Control
* Fear of Failure
* Fear of Success
* Lack of Ambition
* Self-Control
* Inferiority
* Superiority
* Jealously* Restlessness
* Sadness
* Insecurity
* Mistrust
* Victimization
* Anesthesia
* Biofeedback