What is The Subconscious Mind

Beneath awareness lies a sphere of mind called the subconscious. It is the possessor of both: learned ways of being where habits are formed and more importantly, it is a connectivity to your higher self or higher consciousness, accessing your infinite inner wisdom and power - A space so vast it has answers to all questions. In hypnosis, we access this powerful darkroom where your outer world develops. 

Hypnosis is Natural

Hypnosis is a state that we all go in and out of everyday. An example: that floaty, drifty, dreamy time just before sleep. You never know exactly what time you fell asleep because you were drifting and not caring. In this state, the mind is suggestible to new thoughts and feelings, not usually accepted by the critical mind.

Hypnosis is simply being suggestible to a thought.

In a state of hypnosis, brain waves slow down, the thinking mind drops into the background, the imagination opens up. Reframing, positive suggestion, metaphor and personal imagery are all hypnotic tools used to expand the experience. A deeper self awareness, new perspective, comfort with uncertainty and stronger intuition manifest outwardly in everyday life, in the form of a heal-thy mind, body, spirit, relationships, passion, career, joy and more.