How can it help me?

Hypnosis and Guided Therapeutic Imagery bypass all your conditioned defenses and destructive patterns and speak directly to your subconscious, which is open and receptive to suggestions in hypnosis. By changing what’s happening on a subconscious level, you can make stunning changes in your own life. Learning how to create new behaviors and beliefs for yourself allows you to both overcome old difficulties or challenges and create new opportunities and new pathways for yourself.


Hypnosis can enhance performance in every aspect of life - a few popular ones here - Many more



Stress is an overload of mental or emotional information to the mind, triggering an escape into fight or flight mode in order to escape the intense input. There is a fine line between stress and anxiety.


The hypnotic experience automatically reconnects the client with a deeper level of relaxation and a more profound sleep. In addition, clients learn how to interpret the symbolism of their own dreams; learn self hypnosis to reinforce the new sleep patterns and more.


Hypnosis can help you jump-start new natural healthy habits of eating and physical exercise. Shift away from dieting and connect with your inner guidance system that knows just how to keep you healthy and at the correct weight.


In a heightened state of focus and intent that hypnotism achieves, the critical mind is in temporary suspension. With this focused attention, imagining, feeling and accepting being smoke free are possible.



Read more:  Case study 1Case study 2